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Author: donnan

Friday morning on the mulsanne straight

Friday morning on the mulsanne straight

After an alarmingly good nights sleep we breakfasted on croissants, coffe and orange juice. A sunny day we decided that a game of boules was in order, needless to say alfie was crowned champion.
After this we drove up the mulsanne straight and watched a rather amazing parade of cars, we are currently arguing over the best car we saw, we have narrowed it down to an lm spec ferrari f40 a noble m400 or a jaguar xj220.
It has been great to get so many comments keep them coming. Hopefully we’ll get pictures sorted for the morning.
Anyway currently eating luch then off to the pitlane and fairground so check back later.
Ps we saw a green opal kadett 🙂



Well the tent is up, a huge magnificent thing. We are just having a quick drink then we are having a wander. I will post more later!.