24 Questions

24 Questions

In order to make me feel a little less guilty for taking Alfie out of school for three days I thought it would be a good idea to try to give the trip some educational value in the form of 24 questions or tasks…

All ideas welcomed.

1. How many miles is it to Le Mans from our house? About 420
2. How many miles did the winning car complete?
3. How many times could the winning car drive to our house in 24 hours?
4. What was the highest placed Britich car?
5. Who was the highest placed Britsh Driver?
6. If it is 4:00pm at Le Mans what time is it at home? 3:00pm

We’ve had some great quesitons and challenges set by Alfies headteacher (hi Louise)

7. When did Le Mans start?
8. How many races has there been in total? 77
9. What’s the fastest speed recorded?
10. Purple is my favourite colour…how many purple cars are racing this year? No purple cars but one with a little purple on it.
11. How many beers has daddy drunk in three days?
12. How many tyres does a team get through in one race?
13. How many gallons of fuel does a car use in the race?
14. If the fastest car were to travel from Le Mans to your house, how long would it take?
15. Get a photo of you in (or if too tricky by) a…….
16. Zonda
17. Reliant Robin
18. Toyota Supra (driven by 2 old men!)
19. Aston Martin
20. Ferrari
21. McClaren F1
22. Jaguar XJ220
23. Lamborghini

(5 points scored for by and 10 points for in)

24. How many different nationality drivers are there? Plot them on a map.
25. Which country has the most/least drivers?
26. How many women drivers are there? 1
27. Who had the most crashes?

So, slightly more than 24, but it’ll keep us busy.