Audi Actually Didn’t Win

Audi Actually Didn’t Win

Yep, as most of us said this was going to be Porsches year, it most certainly was. A 1 2 finish ahead of the Audis sets up a perfect race for next year. By the time it had hit 6 AM the Porsches had started to pull out a lead on them. With Toyota and Nissan out of the equation, it was just then battling it out for the rest of the race. The race might of taken a turning point when it started to rain with half an hour to go, but Porsche had already won It before it had ended. Definitely deserved winners of Le Mans. When we got back it rained, but we watched England play Slovenia and actually win a match 3-2 (thanks Jack). Then we had a nice steak and chips and then went to bed listening to the sweet sound of incredibly loud fireworks. Woke up at 5 and were gone by quarter to 6. At the moment we are 105 km from Calais.