the last post

the last post

Well for this evening at any rate. Not much to report, we left Mulsanne, came back and I put Alf to bed (after washing his feet, there is a picture of one of them in the saturday gallery, quite shocking). I’ve taken a few pictures from Friday (H you might need to open it in firefox) and Saturday and I’ll add them to pages, these can be found on the right hand side of the page where the ‘where are we page is). I’ve just noticed that the couple camping next to us are not sleeping their tent, they are sleeping in their car which is odd, however it is a 2 seat convertible and they have the roof off. I feel bad, they could have had our spare room.
Alf has been great today, we have walked miles and miles and he has been as good as gold. He has decided that Mummy and Poppy would enjoy camping, I’m not so sure they will appreciate fine food like soup and cheese 🙂