Annoyed but happy

Annoyed but happy

Happy fathers day!

I went to bed ON fathers day which means I went to bed past midnight, but it’s not my fault.

Someone out of us decided we should get a bus, everyone said ok, they thought it would be a good idea, it wasn’t.

We were going to go to Anarge Corner to see the cars coming out of Indianapolis corner and then bracing, it was very good I think.

The only problem was the buses.

Because so many people were trying to get around Le Mans the lines were ultra long,

We got a bus to go to Anarge Corner at 21:00 and waited about 00:30 to get on one and the time that it was when we got on a bus to go back was about…


The time we all waited was something like..


If we went in the car we could of gone to the Mullsanne corner instead of waiting for a bus.

Oh yeah I forgot today that I we got to bed at like 1:40 in the MORNING.

That’s why we should of gone in the car.

Never trust public transport.

I could of gone to bed at about 23:45.

And all that time waiting for a bus we could of gone to the Mullsanne Corner.

That why I lost 5 hours of my life that I’m never ever going to get back.